A Leauki's Writings
Leauki's Articles In War on Terror » Page 15
October 19, 2009 by Leauki
None of these will actually achieve much, but I find it interesting which of the three possibilities people choose. What can the world do to promote peace?   Scenario A: Some Arab terrorist group fires at Israeli cities for a few years. Call 1 (before Israel fires back): "Stop shooting at the Israelis. It's morally wrong!" Call 2 (before Israel fires back): "Stop shooting at the Israelis. They will fire back!" Call 3 (after Israel fired back): "Stop shooting at t...
October 2, 2009 by Leauki
Apparently from Maxim mag originally, via Israellycool: http://www.israellycool.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/mahmoudfinalclean.png
October 2, 2009 by Leauki
The Obama administration has given the Palestinian Authority a "green light" to talk to Hamas about forming a Palestinian unity government, a PA official in Ramallah said over the weekend. ... "The new administration has a different policy than that of [former US president] George W. Bush," the official told The Jerusalem Post. [I'll say!] "The administration of President Barack Obama believes that a Hamas-Fatah government is good for stability." http://w...
September 29, 2009 by Leauki
Since the 1970s the US have been standing 100% behind Israel. Also since then Israel was not involved in major wars any more. It is clear that this strategy has been a total failure and must be changed. Or so many liberals claim. Peace can only come, they say, when the US doesn't back Israel 100% but takes a more nuanced position. Let's look at this idea for a moment. What do we know about middle-eastern nations the US didn't support 100%. The only nation at war with the Arabs apart fro...
September 29, 2009 by Leauki
I thought of Gaza, under 100 miles to the south, with similar beaches and balmy weather, and similar possibilities of human advance. Could the Gazans join the Israelis to create a Riviera on their exquisite beaches, their glowing sands? To do so, they would have to leave behind a world of zero-sum chimeras and fantasies of jihadist revenge. And they would discover that their greatest ally is a man long portrayed as their most feared enemy, a man who, having led for decades the fight to liberat...
September 24, 2009 by Leauki
The ministry has disqualified a team from Ariel University Center of Samaria from the Solar Decathlon. Samaria and Judea are the two Biblical names for the land now known as the West Bank. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3781534,00.html I know, I know. This is not anti-Semitism. And the same thing would have happened to Arab students from a university in the West Bank or to Arab students from a university in Israel. No, I somehow doubt the team would have been dis...
September 23, 2009 by Leauki
Just kidding... Perhaps if Ahmdinejad were Jewish , the UN would care.  
September 22, 2009 by Leauki
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September 15, 2009 by Leauki
According to a German article (URL below) Muntasser al-Saidi, the shoe thrower of Baghdad, claimed that he was tortured during his few months in Iraqi prison. http://www.n-tv.de/politik/Bericht-ueber-Folterungen-article505478.html I don't understand this. The same article, as do most the media, claims that all Arabs love him. So who were the people who tortured him? Could it be that supporters of the democratically elected Iraqi government disagree with al-Saidi? Note that I don't ...
September 14, 2009 by Leauki
Intellectual dwarf and noted coward Osama Bin Laden again warned the US against her alliance with what the Quran describes as G-d's chosen people: Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden warned the American people over their government's close ties with Israel in an apparently new audio tape posted on an Islamist website Monday. http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSTRE58D0CX20090914 Note that the great Muslim Bin Laden uses the pagan name for the land of Israel: "The reason for...
September 7, 2009 by Leauki
Over 73 aid trucks and 440,000 liters of fuel and gas are scheduled to cross into Gaza today. We still haven’t quite mastered that whole genocide thing. -- Israellycool Dave  
September 4, 2009 by Leauki
According to a (German) article on n-tv.de the German air force flew an attack on Taliban forces: Nach Bundeswehrangaben wurden bei dem vom deutschen ISAF-Kommandeur in Kundus angeforderten Angriff mehr als 50 Aufständische getötet. "Unbeteiligte sind nach derzeitigem Kenntnisstand nicht zu Schaden gekommen." Der Schutz von Zivilisten habe für die Bundeswehr bei Militäroperationen oberste Priorität. Berichte afghanischer Behörden über zivile Opfer kö...
September 3, 2009 by Leauki
A Christian was caught in a protest and is being interrogated by the secret police: "I have reports that you were in a church last Sunday and kissed the feet of Jesus at the cross. Is that right?" The Christian answers: "Yes. It is correct. I kissed my Lord's feet." The police man asks: "Would you kiss the feet of Ayataollah Khameini ?" And the Christian answers: "I would if he were to hang on a cross."   Ahmadinejad walks into a forest with a rop...
August 31, 2009 by Leauki
A family own a home and squatters have lived in it without paying rent for years. The family sue, and the police evict the squatters. There is nothing wrong with the picture, except it happened in Jerusalem and the home owner was Jewish, which was enough for Reuters to side with the criminals, as this blog article shows: Nearly a month ago, Palestinian Arab squatters were evicted from a home in Jerusalem pursuant to an order from the Israel High Court. The squatters had failed to pay ren...
August 28, 2009 by Leauki
Israel's foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman has been widely described in the western media as a racist or an ultra-right-wing politician, while at the same time Mr Lieberman's actual political positions are much more moderate than the average "moderate" Arab politicians'. Given that Lieberman's positions would be considered "modertate" if he were an Arab but "ultra-right-wing" or even "racist" when he is a Jew, I am wondering whether those who call him a racist truly understand what racism is....