Intellectual dwarf and noted coward Osama Bin Laden again warned the US against her alliance with what the Quran describes as G-d's chosen people: Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden warned the American people over their government's close ties with Israel in an apparently new audio tape posted on an Islamist website Monday. Note that the great Muslim Bin Laden uses the pagan name for the land of Israel: "The reason for...
Over 73 aid trucks and 440,000 liters of fuel and gas are scheduled to cross into Gaza today. We still haven’t quite mastered that whole genocide thing. -- Israellycool Dave
According to a (German) article on the German air force flew an attack on Taliban forces: Nach Bundeswehrangaben wurden bei dem vom deutschen ISAF-Kommandeur in Kundus angeforderten Angriff mehr als 50 Aufständische getötet. "Unbeteiligte sind nach derzeitigem Kenntnisstand nicht zu Schaden gekommen." Der Schutz von Zivilisten habe für die Bundeswehr bei Militäroperationen oberste Priorität. Berichte afghanischer Behörden über zivile Opfer kö...
A Christian was caught in a protest and is being interrogated by the secret police: "I have reports that you were in a church last Sunday and kissed the feet of Jesus at the cross. Is that right?" The Christian answers: "Yes. It is correct. I kissed my Lord's feet." The police man asks: "Would you kiss the feet of Ayataollah Khameini ?" And the Christian answers: "I would if he were to hang on a cross." Ahmadinejad walks into a forest with a rop...
A family own a home and squatters have lived in it without paying rent for years. The family sue, and the police evict the squatters. There is nothing wrong with the picture, except it happened in Jerusalem and the home owner was Jewish, which was enough for Reuters to side with the criminals, as this blog article shows: Nearly a month ago, Palestinian Arab squatters were evicted from a home in Jerusalem pursuant to an order from the Israel High Court. The squatters had failed to pay ren...
Israel's foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman has been widely described in the western media as a racist or an ultra-right-wing politician, while at the same time Mr Lieberman's actual political positions are much more moderate than the average "moderate" Arab politicians'. Given that Lieberman's positions would be considered "modertate" if he were an Arab but "ultra-right-wing" or even "racist" when he is a Jew, I am wondering whether those who call him a racist truly understand what racism is....
This (German) video quickly summarises "anti-Israel" protests in Germany of the last two years. It was made as a submission to Youtube's current project "361° Toleranz" ("361 degrees of tolerance") which intends to display videos that promote tolerance and point the finger at racism. It has little chance to be accepted because it is about current anti-Semitism. (Anti-Semitism is only bad when it happened in the 1940s.) It starts with some...
The Israeli Declaration of Independence formulated the Zionist dreams for the country: The Land of Israel, Palestine, was the birthplace of the Jewish people. Here their spiritual, religious and political identity was shaped. Here they first attained to statehood, created cultural values of national and universal significance and gave to the world the eternal Book of Books. ... WE EXTEND our hand to all neighbouring states and their peoples in an offer of peace and good neigh...
I know, I know. Criticism of Israel is not anti-Semitism and accusing Israel of something without evidence, however ridiculous the deed, is a service to mankind. And it is solely my fanaticism that makes me doubt the odd accusation and defend Israel, a country obviously guilty of the crime she has been accused of. As usual, the accusations come from an anonymous source. This time they were published in Sweden, a country which has apparently suffered from Zionism more than any other country an...
In the spirit of the equality of all peoples and having been told that liberals are not anti-Semites, I wonder about the following. If Israel (or some people in Israel) decided to fire rockets into Damascus on a daily basis, hitting the odd school or market place, and if Syria decided, after four or five years, to do something about it by firing back and killing 1000 Israelis including 600 of those who actually fired the daily rockets and some 400 human shields, would liberals and other peace...
Quoting rabbi Forman, whose sentiments I can fully understand (except in as much as he apparently decided to assign land that is still in dispute to Arabs without asking both sides): We hate the security barrier because it steals Palestinian lands, divides villages and separates families, but we sleep better knowing our children no longer play Russian roulette with their lives when they venture out in public. We deplore targeted assassinations, but when the IDF kills terrorists on their way...
1. How much of the middle east and north-Africa has to be under Arab rule before Arab dictators rule over so much land and over so many peoples that their rule becomes "imperialism" which has to be opposed by "anti-imperialists"? 2. How many people does a dictator have to murder before he becomes a symbol for freedom and opposition to capitalist tyranny? 3. Apart from the "Palestinian cause", has there ever been another cause that was allied with German Nazis, called for the extermination ...
An Israeli Bedouin places a note in the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City August 12, 2009 during a mass prayer calling for the release of abducted Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. (Note that Yahoo have removed the incriminating picture of the patriotic Bedouin with a few pictures of Israeli "atrocities" and anti-Israel protests.)
This is very interesting. The former chief of the human rights council in Kurdistan has started a magazine that advocates a return of Iraqi Jews to Iraq. Iraqi Jews left Iraq in the 1930s and 1950s because Iraq allied with Nazi Germany at the time and then declared war on Israel. A majority of Jews from Arab countries in Israel are from Iraq. (And Jews from Arab countries form the majority of Jews in Israel.) ...
Text of the letter sent by fax to former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by President of the Republic of Somaliland Mohamed Ibrahim Egal. Republic of Somaliland The Presidency Our Ref: SLR/PO/ISPMI/7/95 Your Ref: ....................... 3 July 1995 Hargeisa His Excellency The Prime Minister of Israel Mr Yitshak Rabin Hakirya, Fax No. 972 2 513 950 Jerusalem, Israel. Your Excellency Establishing Strategic Partnership with the State of Israel In my capacity as t...