A Leauki's Writings

According to a (German) article on n-tv.de the German air force flew an attack on Taliban forces:

Nach Bundeswehrangaben wurden bei dem vom deutschen ISAF-Kommandeur in Kundus angeforderten Angriff mehr als 50 Aufständische getötet. "Unbeteiligte sind nach derzeitigem Kenntnisstand nicht zu Schaden gekommen." Der Schutz von Zivilisten habe für die Bundeswehr bei Militäroperationen oberste Priorität. Berichte afghanischer Behörden über zivile Opfer könnten derzeit nicht bestätigt werden. Die Untersuchungen dauerten an.

Translation (from Google and then cleaned up by myself):

According to army figures more than 50 insurgents were killed in a German attack requested by the ISAF commander in Kunduz. "Innocent bystanders did not at the present time come to harm." The protection of civilians is a top priority for the Bundeswehr in military operations. Reports of Afghan authorities about civilian casualties could not presently be confirmed. The investigations continued.

Now, I am myself convinced that the attack was totally justified and required and that the German air force took every precaution to avoid civilian casualties short of not flying and sending infantry with bulldozers instead like the Israelis would in such a situation.

But can you imagine what the world would have said it if had been the Israeli air force that killed 50 terrorists somewhere in the West-Bank?

According to Wikipedia the war in Afghanistan has cost over 40,000 lives over 8 years: 6600 allied (NATO and allied Afghani forces), over 25,000 (!) Taliban and Al-Qaeda, and about 11,000 civilians.

Israel's attack on Gaza cost 1300 lives, mostly terrorists, and was the only major attack in that war for years.

Yet Israel is made out to be the monster and the sitiation is discussed at the highest levels of the UN and Israel's enemies are propped up again with 4 billion dollars, most of it coming from the US and Europe.

The Taliban have little outside help.

The German air force does not have a list of names of who it was they killed. But the world expected such a list from Israel (and got it).

If anybody now proposed that Germany kills Afghanis to steal their organs, he would rightly be accused of being a complete fool; despite the fact that Germany did help Saddam Hussein produce poison gas then used against the Kurds.

Israel has no such recent history as Germany with the killing of civilians or aiding such, yet a story accusing Israel (and New York Jews) of such organ theft is now widely accepted as possibly true, even in western countries.

Does anybody still believe that those protesting against Israel are not anti-Semites?

Or is it merely coincidence that of all the wars in the world, and there are enough, they chose the one with the the fewest victims and the most complete data about who died to protest the reckless brutality of not both but naturally only one side?

Die Vereinten Nationen verlangten von der NATO eine eingehende Untersuchung des Angriffs. Es müsse geklärt werden, warum ein Luftangriff  angeordnet worden sei, obwohl die Situation vor Ort unübersichtlich gewesen sei, sagte der stellvertretende UN-Gesandte für Afghanistan,  Peter Galbraith. Er kündigte zudem an, dass auch die UN-Mission in Afghanistan ermitteln werde.


The United Nations demanded from NATO a thorough investigation of the attack. It should be clarified why an air raid had been ordered when the situation on the ground had been confusing, said the deputy UN envoy for Afghanistan, Peter Galbraith. He also announced that the UN mission in Afghanistan will investigate.

Better find out why your schools in Gaza teach complete nonsense to Arab children and why terrorists fire from your schools and hide in your hospitals before you criticise Germany and NATO, you morons!

As long as the UN are the worst when it comes to ignoring and violating human rights, their institutions really shoudn't criticise anyone.

Did you find out why UN troops failed to protect Bosnian Muslims from the Serbs in the 90s and how it happened that Saddam exported oil and bribed UN officials at the same time?

If not, go sweep in front of your own door before you sweep in front of someone else's.

Or heck, go and abolish Switzerland like the elected leader of the UN assembly proposes. That would be interesting.


on Sep 04, 2009


on Sep 04, 2009

My bible teacher Marv is on the way to Israel as I write this.  I told him I wished I could be going with him.  He said he wished I was going as well.   Maybe in the spring when he goes again with the next tour. 

Anyhow Tuesday before he left he spoke about Israel.  He said the Jew is central in understanding human history. 

 He talked about the Arab Muslim countries just in the Middle East noting the geography and comparing it to Israel's tiny plot of land.  He spoke about the world population and how in comparison the Jews are but a literal drop in the bucket.   He asked us why with there being billions in the world population does little tiny Israel so dominate the world news?   He compared tiny Israel with the population of China and India yet, in comparison to Israel, we hear very little about these countries with their massive populations.  There are what?  15 million Jews?  That is nothing compared to three billion people world wide. 

Israel is the key to major events going on in our world.  We cannot understand history without understanding Israel's role.  The reality is the Jews dominate most of the finances in our world.  The best medical equipment comes from Israel.  They have state of the art agriculture technology.  Their drip irrigation far surpasses any other. 

There have been more Nobel Peace Prize winners that were Jewish than any other nationality by far.  These are facts.  But when you compare their numbers to the rest of the world's nationalities this shouldn't be. 

It just came out in the news this week that for the first time ever there are more Jews in Israel than any other country even the U.S.  Sounds exactly like Ezekiel 37 to me Leauki.   On top of that, the Jews in this country are packing up and going to their homeland.  They are taking a good look at our country and getting out.  Can't say that I blame them. 

There is something more than meets the eye here.  The anti-semitism you're speaking of is deep seeded.  It's spiritual.  Israel, thru it all is being protected.  That's why I keep saying their survival and all that encompasses it is the #1 proof that the bible is inerrant word of God that us Christians believe it is.  God promised Abraham all the way back in Genesis that because of Abraham his descendants would number like the sands of the sea.  Israel will stand and be counted all the way until the very end. 

on Sep 04, 2009

Thank you, KFC, for a good summary.

It is good to know that there a Bible teachers with such a love for the land of the Bible and its people. I guess it makes it easier to understand your own religion if its ultimate love for every human being starts with love for the people Jesus was born into!

Most people don't know much about Israel even though it's constantly in the news. The media rarely report on real life in Israel. And I agree with you that Israel is the key to major events going on in our world and that an understanding of Israel's history is necessary for an understand of world history. (Apart from China, perhaps, and some Siberian cultures, absolutely every culture on the planet has been influenced by Israel either directly or indirectly.)

The anti-Semitism indeed goes deep.

But I am confident that Israel will survive.

Less than a quarter of a percent of the world's population...

Yet more than half of the world population believe in Moses as a prophet; a character they have only ever heard of in Jewish legends!


on Sep 04, 2009

Just found this interesting article:


Religion just reflects reality. You don't have to be religious to see why Israel's survival is important.


on Sep 04, 2009

I agree with this: 

Gilder is convinced that the forces targeting Israel and America also are “targeting capitalism and freedom everywhere.” Capitalism, he says, requires freedom — for entrepreneurs, workers, and consumers alike. All benefit because “under capitalism the achievements of one group provide markets and opportunities for others.”

This is exactly what I was getting at on my blog site when I said that America has to be brought down in order for this total globalizm takeover to happen. Capitalism is being targeted in our country big and plain.  When this all happens and we've lost our authority and power because we are so indebted to Russia and China (especially) Israel is in danger. 

That's the whole point.  Without America Israel seems to be a goner but I agree with you...Israel will make it but not because of us, but because God has decreed it but not before it gets really nasty.   Scripture is clear that Russia and Iran along with other countries are going to go into Israel in the last days.  That's what armageddon is all about.   There's no mention of us. 

I absolutely believe America was put here in the first place because of Israel.  Now they are settled and secure to a point, we are no longer needed.  I don't think  what's happening in our country during this exact time is a coincidence. 

on Sep 04, 2009

I absolutely believe America was put here in the first place because of Israel.  Now they are settled and secure to a point, we are no longer needed.  I don't think  what's happening in our country during this exact time is a coincidence.

I don't know about that, but there is a common Jewish belief that the American people were chosen by G-d to bring democracy to the world.

It is when you (Americans) forget that calling that America is going down. America was most powerful when she tried to bring democracy to other countries and becomes weakest when such a goal is regarded as politically incorrect or wrong.


on Sep 04, 2009

But to focus on the other point of my blog post: Isn't it ironic that Germany can kill 50 people in an attack from air while Israel is demonised for using bull dozers to attack houses instead, even though the latter prevents casualties, civilian and enemy fighter such?


on Sep 04, 2009

Israel will NEVER find favor in this world.  Never.  No matter what they do, no matter what they acheive, it doesn't matter.  Israel represents God's favor.  Like I said it's deep seeded and goes very very deep and spiritual. 

Think about Joseph and his coat of many colors.  It's a picture of Israel.  Remember Joseph was the favored son out of the 12?  He was so  favored by his father Jacob (name later changed to Israel)  that his brothers hated him for it?  What did they do to Joseph?  They enslaved him.  What happened to the Jews for centuries?  Weren't they too enslaved by other nations all over the globe?   What happened to Joseph in the end?  Didn't he become victorious and the leader of all around him? 

Joseph is said to be a type of Christ but if you look carefully you can also see the nation Israel represented in Him as well.  Joseph was hated by his own while being highly favored not only by his father but God himself.  Christ was hated for being highly favored among God and man.    Israel is also very hated by all mankind.   It goes with the territory. 

Israel too will be victorious when all is said and done.  Other nations will bow to Israel like Joseph's brother's bowed to him. 

on Sep 04, 2009

This world seems to have a very warped sense of scale. I look forward to the day when sanity prevails.

I do not anticipate that being any time soon.

on Sep 06, 2009

New reports indicate that not 50, but more than 125 people died in the attack.

I wonder whether there will be some "legitimate criticism of Germany's policies" in the form of attacks against German institutions world-wide or perhaps German civilians?

What about all those German protesters? Will they now kill themselves?