A Leauki's Writings

Quoting rabbi Forman, whose sentiments I can fully understand (except in as much as he apparently decided to assign land that is still in dispute to Arabs without asking both sides):

We hate the security barrier because it steals Palestinian lands, divides villages and separates families, but we sleep better knowing our children no longer play Russian roulette with their lives when they venture out in public. We deplore targeted assassinations, but when the IDF kills terrorists on their way to fire rockets into Sderot, we breathe a sigh of relief - even if innocent Palestinians are caught in the cross fire.
Has the Right read the political map better than we have? Everything that those who opposed the unilateral withdrawals from Lebanon and Gaza predicted would happen has happened. Hizbullah in the north and Hamas in the south are squeezing us and, at a moment's notice, could wreak havoc upon the country. The internecine fighting in Gaza, where Palestinians killed each other with impunity, proved a harsh reality: These Muslim fanatics are out for anyone's blood that gets in the way of their ultimate goal - spilling the last drop of Jewish blood.
SO, WHAT'S an Israeli liberal Jew to do - turn to our leftist sympathizers abroad to gain some perspective and objectivity? Who are they - the American Center for Constitutional Rights that has issued warrants for the arrest of Moshe Ya'alon and Avi Dichter for war crimes; the International Solidarity Movement or the Christian Peacemaker Teams whose Web sites are veritable wellsprings of anti-Semitic drivel?


And then the author summarises succinctly why he feels that liberals in the west have lost it:

You don't have to be a reactionary Zionist war criminal to oppose a society where "women" are married off at age 14, homosexuals have to cower in fear and girls suspected of pre-marital sex are regularly murdered. You don't have to be a messianic Jewish settler living in Hebron to understand that the corruption and cynicism of the Fatah is immoral and hurts the Palestinians.

Liberals who support the "Palestinian cause" support marrying girls off at age 14 and the murder of homosexuals and girls suspected of pre-marital sex, because that is what most of the "Palestinian cause" is. Sure, there are liberals who support a "Palestinian cause" of some kind and who are against the marrying-off and murder details, but I do wonder which Palestinians they actually support.

There is not exactly a huge majority for a two-state solution (or for not murdering homosexuals) among Palestinian Arabs, yet their cause is supported by so-called liberals.

It reminds me of my article about why I am a Zionist.


I support the right of Christians to worship as they want in Muslim countries and the right of Muslims to worship as they want in Christian countries. I support the right of Muslims to pray in Jerusalem and the right of Jews to pray in Mecca, if they want to.

I suport equal rights for Arabs and Jews and Assyrians and everybody else, women, homosexuals, Christians, and Yezidis, everywhere.

I support gay pride parades in holy cities and equal rights for homosexuals and heterosexuals before the law.

I support democracy and freedom of speech and religion.

I oppose the death penalty and the mistreatment of foreign workers.

In other words, I am a Zionist.

I do wonder if a liberal who supports the "Palestinian cause" will ever find himself rooting for those who can even say the above without being murdered by their own people.

And if you are currently a liberal trying to figure out how much time to spend on two favourite liberal causes: gay marriage and the Palestinian cause; do try and think about whether the two are not contradictions. You can only advocate gay rights or a society in which homosexuality is illegal, BUT NOT BOTH.


on Aug 17, 2009

And if you support a two-state solution, pray that Israel keeps surviving the attacks and wins every single war.