I found this article on a German news site: http://www.n-tv.de/politik/Terrorgefahr-in-Frankreich-article1283981.html Frankreich ist während der Ferienzeit wegen möglicher Terroranschläge in besonderer Alarmbereitschaft. Da "die islamistische Bedrohung" sich ausweite, gelte erhöhter Alarm innerhalb der zweithöchsten Stufe des Terrorwarnsystems, teilte die französische Regierung mit. Die Gefahr eines radikalislamischen Anschlags bestehe für Franzosen u...
Irish national hero Daniel O’Connell said in 1846: Ireland has claims on your ancient race, it is the only country that I know of unsullied by any one act of persecution of the Jews. What is left of Daniel O’Connell? During the Great Potato Famine in the mid-19th century, the Rothschild family were among the biggest contributors to food and other aid. It certainly seemed prudent of the Rothschild bankers to support a country and a nation that was so friendly towards Jew...
Most Americans probably imagine Iran as a whole as it is today, paired with a vague recollection that once it was more like the comparatively liberal Arab sheikhdoms around the Gulf. But before the revolution, under the Shah's rule, Iran was quite different from what we think of as a middle-eastern country, and actually looked and felt pretty much like a western country. This was not because the west had so heavily influenced Iran that Iranians forgot their own culture and heritage. Rather...
Female soldiers are not rare in Israel. Even female combat soldiers are becoming normal. Arab solders and combat soldiers are not rare either with entire clans of Druze and Bedouin controlling the most decorated front units. But a Christian Arab female combat soldier is new: Cpl. Elinor Joseph was born and raised in an integrated neighborhood of Jews and Arabs in Haifa, but attended a school in which all her classmates were Arab. She later moved to Wadi Nisnas, an Arab neighborhood wh...
Mubarak, who has seven brothers and sisters, has never set foot outside the village where he was born into a family which was inherited as slaves by their local master. Sheikh Mohammed Badawi's father had bought Mubarak's parents 50 years ago, shortly before Yemen's 1962 revolution which abolished slavery. Mubarak has known no other life except that of a slave. http://www.alarabiya.net/articles/2010/07/21/114451.html Isn't it great how excellent human rights are respected in...
I first read about it on a German news site: http://www.n-tv.de/politik/Lieberman-bastelt-an-politischer-Bombe-article1074416.html Lieberman works on political bomb. I found an English article: FM presents: 2nd disengagement from Gaza Five years after Israel's unilateral disengagement from Gaza, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has proposed a new plan aimed at ridding Israel of any responsibility for the coastal enclave, the Yedioth Ahronoth daily reported Frid...
If you are a left-winger or "peace activist", you may ignore this post. You don't believe that weapons of mass destruction have ever been owned or used by anyone other than Israel. But if you are normal (or a right-winger) this might interest you. Apparently Saddam's WMDs ended up in the hands of our friend and partner Turkey, EU candidate and winner of the peace activist of the year award for losing nine people in a blockade run which for Turkey was the equivalent of 911. Chemical an...
Like most evil bloodsucking imperialist Zionists I want to return the occupied territories (sans Jerusalem which was supposed to be international territory before the 1948 Jewish majority population was meant to vote to be annexed by either country) to Jordan and Egypt. It's against terror we fight, not for land. So they can have the land, in exchange for peace. That always was Israel's position. It would be nice to keep Jewish "settlements" in the "West-Bank", especially those that were ...
Kurdish commentators went ballistic over Turkey's behaviour towards Israel: Mr. Erdogan cunningly and with malice endeavored to portray himself and his country as guardians for the Palestinian liberation cause and as holy angels whom heaven has sent to work on lifting the sea blockade imposed by Israel on the Gaza strip. In his hysterical anti-Israel rampage he did not only viciously attack Israel and defend the Palestinians, but he also boldly and stupidly humiliated and insulted th...
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Even the Guardian sees it: Turkey's prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said today that Kurdish militants would "drown in their own blood" as he led political and army chiefs in paying his respects to troops killed in a clash with the rebels during fighting on Saturday. Eleven soldiers and 12 Kurdistan Workers' party (PKK) guerrillas died in the south-eastern province of Hakkari, near the Iraq border. It's interesting because only two weeks ago Recep Erdogan was a defender of human r...
One good answer I found was this: The world does not care for Darfur because it is away from the prying eyes of the Media. That's one reason. But it's not the only reason. And there is two reasons for the one reason. 1.1. The laws of physics dictate that journalists can only report from places safe enough for journalists to escape alive. While the horrible, horrible Gaza and Iraq are safe, some places in the world are not. 1.2. Journalists prefer living in luxury hotels and...
Dr Sabah A. Salih writes: Islamism, which is markedly different from the way most practicing Muslims in Kurdistan understand the faith, as something spiritual rather than political, has never been a friend of the Kurds. Despite its noisy claims of universality and rejection of national boundaries, Islamism is sectarian through and through. In fact, its actions and programs are intended to put non-Arabs under the political and cultural hegemony of Arabs. Historically, Islamism has been just ...
Consider this: Hamas, not Israel, refuses to allow donated food and medicine in. If it’s “collective punishment” when Israel restricts certain items, what should we call it when Hamas refuses all of the items? Few seem to have given it any thought. So far I haven’t found a single person indignant about the Israeli blockade who has said or written a word about Hamas refusing to allow donated goods into the territory. Even those who actually donated and delivered the item...
This is essentially a translation and summary of this German Wikipedia article: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parviz_Nikkhah I wrote it after it turned out that East-Germany was behind several murders of West-German left-wing activists, for which the other activists (but not the families of the murdered) had long blamed the "fascist" West-German state. What the German left did to the Shah and the people of Iran cannot easily be forgiven. And the middle-east would look very different to...