A Leauki's Writings
Leauki's Articles In War on Terror » Page 2
October 15, 2005 by Leauki
Israeli air strikes kill Palestinian children. And Palestinian terror attacks kill Jewish children. But even Palestinian propaganda cannot ignore the fact that while Palestinian terrorists specifically target Jewish children, Israel's army kills Paestinian civilians while targeting Palestinian terrorists. It is an unfortunate side effect that civilians die in a war. And it is, for the Palestinian cause, a fortune side effect that sometimes a terror attack launched against civilians make...
October 27, 2005 by Leauki
Boy, was I angry that night...
November 12, 2005 by Leauki
Friday morning, on my way to work, I read something in the newspaper which struck me as odd. Some Al-Qaeda operative in Britain announced that Ireland was now a target of Al-Qaeda. Now, I never thought that anybody was excused from being a target of Al-Qaeda (in fact recent events make me believe that being a Muslim makes one more rather than less of a target); but the odd part of the announcement was their explanation. They said that Irish support for US forces made Ireland an enemy...
December 10, 2008 by Leauki
Khaleel Mohammed, Associate Professor of Religion at San Diego State University Born in Guyana, he moved to Canada as a teenager in 1974. He studied in Mexico, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mauritania, Syria, and Yemen. He has a B.A. in Religion and Psychology, an M.A. in Religion (Judaism and Islam), and a Ph.D. in Islamic Law. He received scholarships from Saudi Arabia and Quebec. Dr. Mohammed argues that western countries should not "import" imams (Muslim clerics) from foreign countries beca...
December 8, 2008 by Leauki
"We Arabs look with the deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement. Our deputation here in Paris is fully acquainted with the proposals submitted yesterday by the Zionist Organisation to the Peace Conference, and we regard them as moderate and proper. We will do our best, in so far as we are concerned, to help them through; we will wish the Jews a most hearty welcome home. I look forward, and my people with me look forward, to a future in which we will help you and you will help us, so that the c...
December 1, 2008 by Leauki
As I have said often, Israel's enemy is not Islam and the anti-Jewish cause is not Islamic. Over the next few weeks I hope I'll be able to post regular updates on Muslim support for Israel and a two-state solution. http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/1796.htm This video shows an interview of an Arab television station with Dr. Halil Ibrahim, leader of the Sudanese Justice and Equality Movement (one of Sudan's rebel groups). Dr. Ibrahim argues that since Muhammed had good relations with ...
November 7, 2008 by Leauki
Translations of Iraqis commenting on the Arabic BBC forum about the war between Hamas and Israel in July 2006:     "Hamas with their radical false-heroic speech opened the door for extremists in Gaza and Damascus to open a battlefront that will harm the innocent Palestinian citizen and destroy the peace process. Hamas has long been against the peace process and has long worked on halting it" Ahmed Talib al-Taii: Baghdad/Iraq. "There are trends that still live by the pas...
November 2, 2008 by Leauki
  t takes a few hours to get to Sulaimaniya from Arbil. Streets in Iraq are excellent if a little unsafe (there are no fences separating the streets from the desert or quick death in the mountains). The road to Sulaimaniya leads through the desert and through Kirkuk.   Continue on my personal blog .
October 30, 2008 by Leauki
The group of 17 refugees Bar works with has recently grown to 170 people. Most came to Eilot days after infiltrating into Israel from Egypt. They were sent to the kibbutz by the IDF or the border guards after they were caught crossing the border. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3413031,00.html   "Other refugees have told us about abuse and violence by Egyptian citizens, not just by the regime, including beatings and the use of clubs and knives. The re...
October 16, 2008 by Leauki
" JUNAID PRISON, NABLUS - "For five years, I was a wanted man, but we had enough," says Sufian Qandil of the Tigers, an organization associated with Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades. It's noon, and Qandil woke up only a few minutes ago in the prison cell where according to an agreement with Israel he must now spend his nights. "We keep our agreements, even those signed with the Jews," he says, placing his hand on his pillow with a Mickey Mouse pillowcase. The Al-Aqsa brigades were dissolve...
May 28, 2008 by Leauki
I have always wondered about the many "arguments" against Israel (or for the "Palestinian cause") but I never could understand where they came from. Surely the sources of the most-often-cited "arguments" have been discredited a long time ago and are now only believed by stupid illiterate people but not well-educated western students? However, despite the fact that "Mein Kampf" and the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" are not accepted as factual in the west, lies about Israel are still bel...
March 8, 2008 by Leauki
Lately I have been reading more articles about the Arab clans and their leaders, who apparently don’t support the PLO and their plans for a state. I am now tending towards working something out with the sheiks and handing the rest over to Jordan, perhaps as a separate country sharing the same monarch. Why force the Arabs in the West Bank to live under PLO or Hamas rule? The people of East-Jerusalem are signing up for Israeli passports lately, they obviously don’t want PLO rule ...
March 4, 2008 by Leauki
Three types of anti-Semites^H^H^H^H^H^H^HZionists: 1. Self-proclaimed "Muslims" who never read the Quran and base theiropinion largely on urban legends. They live in the west and have accessto facts but don't use it. 2. Muslims from other places whodon't have easy access to facts. They usually change their mind oncethey find out the truth. They are usually not willfully ignorant. But some of them are and don't. (Those that don't eventually join radical Muslim or Arab nationalist parties.) ...
February 21, 2008 by Leauki
  In response to the article by the Guardian I sent the following email to the author:     "Some fear that the risk would be too great, that there's no guarantee that even civilian protesters bursting through a military border would not end up facing gunfire." Well, they would in any other country in the world. Only Israel is assumed maybe not to fire on people who invade. It is only Israel where using women and children as human shields might work. Hizbullah tried ...
January 30, 2008 by Leauki
I have nothing much to say about the Blakerig blog other than that Drima linked to it. But the article about Israel triggered a short conversation. A Sudanese named Kizzie wrote the following: I have lots of opinion on the Israeli -Sudanese relations. I don’t want to write a long incoherent paragraph about it so, here you go 1- As a Sudanese raised in the Middle East, I was taught to hate Israel at an early age. When I grew up I learned how to make a distinction between Israel...