Proving that some liberals still defend liberal values the Kurdish author writes: "Yesterday, several MPs from an Arab country gave their stances vis-à-vis the assassination of Hamas leader Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh. As pious Muslim Arabs, they expressed their resentment and hatred of the Jews, whom they called pigs, and depicted their legitimate democratic state, Israel, in strident and inappropriate terms. They also referred to Osama bin Laden, calling him a hero and a redeemer who had do...
I like Muammar Gaddafi. He is my favourite Arab dictator. Of course, I'll never forgive him his treason and betrayal of his king, Idris I of Lybia; but as Arab dictators go he is one of the tamer and more entartaining ones. Today he has this great idea: Nigeria should be divided into two nations to avoid further bloodshed between Muslims and Christians, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has said. In a speech to students, he praised the example of India and Pakistan, where he said parti...
On February 28th, the television station of Hamas, the group we all want to be seen re-united with the PLO so that the Israeli aggression can be more perfectly countered by the peace camp, broadcasted the following non-anti-Semitic criticism of Israeli policies: [The Jews] suffer from a mental disorder, because they are thieves and aggressors. A thief or an aggressor, who took property or land, develops a psychological disorder and pangs of conscience, because he took something that wasn't ...
What do you think? If some magical spell or technological breakthrough allowed us to mount an invisible energy wall over the Gaza-Israel border that repelled all missiles and aircraft and bounces them back to close to where they were launched from, who would benefit more from such a wall? 1. The Israelis, because the peace-loving people of Gaza can longer send fireworks missiles into Israeli territory on a daily basis. 2. The oppressed people of Gaza because Israel could no longer attac...
Officials said more than 500 people from the mainly Christian Berom ethnic group were hacked to death with machetes, axes and daggers in three villages of Dogo Nahawa, Ratsat and Zot on Sunday morning. As preliminary research has concluded that the victims were not Arab terrorists and that the perpetrators were not Jewish, the United Nations have without discussion decided not to care. (Anyone who can suggest a different rea...
An interesting article on the Friends of Somaliland blog describes how African countries improve their relations with Israel to fight terrorism and jumpstart their economies: But these days the Jewish state has a new ally, Kenya, which wants Israeli help to fight the growing menace of jihadist terrorism emanating from war-torn Somalia, Kenya’s northern neighbor where jihadists linked to al-Qaida are active. Israel is also seeking a foothold in the turbulent Horn of Africa to ... Notice the following criticisms of Israeli polices: - "[expletive] Jesus Killers" - "racist Zionist pigs" - "Nazi pigs" [the protester here chose the word "Nazi" by coincidence, not for anti-Semitic reasons] - "Free Palestine From the River to the Sea" The last one is a popular principle of the "Palestinian Cause". It can be applied to any territory and is solely used to bring food and water to starving children in Gaza. It has absol...
One of the most common non-anti-Semitic criticisms of Israeli policy is to compare Jews with Nazis and Gaza with a concentration camp. The Nazi comparison is here not anti-Semitic but pure coincidence and Israel could have just as likely been likened to any other evil dictatorship and not just the one that was allied with the "Palestinians" and killed so many Israelis' grand parents. (I am assuming a momentary slip in the humanity of non-anti-Semitic critics of Israeli policies.) Non-anti-Sem...
One of the most common "criticisms" of Israel is the the infamous "disproportionate response", i.e. the fact that when Israel is attacked, more people die among the attackers than in Israel. This widely regarded as a bad thing. The primary reason for this is Israel's immoral use of bunkers and missile warning systems and the fact that large parts of Israel's civilian populations live in constant fear and run into bunkers within 15 seconds of hearing an alarm. Because of this very few Israeli ...
"There are two views regarding how Syria will respond if Israel attacks Iran, either by itself or together with the U.S. One [view is that] the Syrian government, in all its cleverness, will not lift a finger, preferring to take its time... The second is that Syria will join in the war and fire tens of thousands of missiles – including some with chemical and biological warheads – at Israeli cities and targets, under [its] current binding agreement [with Iran]... "The seco...
Fatah (Mahmoud Abbas' movement in the PLO) about peace: When I joined the Fatah movement, the oath we took was to liberate Palestine from the River to the Sea. Why should this be changed? [...] I am always optimistic. I can assure you that within a few years, you will see the beginning of the end of the Jewish state in Palestine. I swear that it will be driven out of the land of Palestine, and they will go to hell. Not into the sea. They would defile the sea if t...
Interesting point: The Goldstone Report, which claimed that Israel goes crazy when it is being attacked, caused us some damage (which should not be exaggerated) in the world, yet it was a blessing in our region. If Israel goes crazy and destroys everything in its way when it’s being attacked, one should be careful. No need to mess with crazy people.,7340,L-3851015,00.html Let's hope the world learns from it. Goldstone was an incompe...
Thank you, Canada: An attack on Israel would be considered an attack on Canada, junior foreign minister Peter Kent says, suggesting that pre-emptive action may be needed against Iran. "Prime Minister (Stephen) Harper has made it quite clear for some time now and has regularly stated that an attack on Israel would be considered an attack on Canada," said Kent, minister of state for foreign affairs (Americas). Kent made the comments in an interview with the news site Shalom Life...
An Arab refugee in Lebanon described in an interview on Palestinian Authority TV how he and other Arabs left for Lebanon from Israel during the 1948 war, after Arab leaders said their absence would be temporary ... This refugee's testimony is yet another example of how Palestinian leaders, writers and refugees themselves have begun to speak out in recent years and openly blame the Arab leadership for the creation of the Arab refugee problem. Mufid describes a large departure to...
A young man shouts "Slaughter the Jews". It happens. But these days it is difficult to tell if the young man is an anti-Semite or merely a critic of Israeli policies. Before you check the article linked to below, make up your mind. Is "Slaughter the Jews" 1. An anti-Semitic slur shouted by a racist neo-Nazi and and representative for an ideology that is the root cause of war and violence? or 2. A valid criticism of Israeli policies shouted by completely non-anti-Semitic peace a...