Officials said more than 500 people from the mainly Christian Berom ethnic group were hacked to death with machetes, axes and daggers in three villages of Dogo Nahawa, Ratsat and Zot on Sunday morning.
As preliminary research has concluded that the victims were not Arab terrorists and that the perpetrators were not Jewish, the United Nations have without discussion decided not to care. (Anyone who can suggest a different reason for why the UN had several meetings over 300 civilian deaths in Gaza but don't seem to care about Christian victims in Nigeria should correct me now.)
There will be no NASPA (non-anti-Semitic peace activist) demonstrations about this, although shouting "death to the Jews" is still advised, just to be safe.
But leaving sarcasm aside, I have to say this:
What the feck is wrong with these people??? And why does the world still tolerate them? Thank G-d that Israel has not given in to "peace activists" and still defends herself against those evil barbarians.