While the US become more left-wing, Europe is moving towards the right. In the UK the Tories are expected to win next year and in Germany first female (and first East-German) prime minister Angela Merkel just won the elections, most notably due to not her own Christian Democrats' success but due to the success of the more economically right-wing Liberal Democrats. Angela Merkel also won her own constituency decisevely. Many East-German constituencies fell to the Socialists. The Green party...
My favourite dictator, Mahmoud (or whatever his name is) Qadafi, has reminded the United Nations that African nations are still underrepresented at the UN and the worldatlarge. I totally agree with him, as I often do. Here are a few steps I can recommend for helping African nations: 1. Give up Arab rule over North-Africa/Tamazgha. 3. Give up Arab rule over Egypt. 3. Give up Arab rule over Sudan. 4. Give up Arab rule over Somalia. There you are. A similar simple formula was o...
Africans are not stupid. And organising a working state is difficult. Most of Africa has failed to do so, as has most of Europe at many points in its history. What we are seeing in Africa is not an inherent inferiority of the location or the people but the same dark ages that many other continents were confronted with at other times. I believe the best solution for Africa is to allow other countries to organise Africa's economy. But for this to work, those other countries must profit from ...
Christian Arab comic Ray Hanania (who is not the prime minister of Gaza) wrote this excellent article on ynet. Occasionally, when I am on the comedy stage, an American in the audience will stand up and blurt out, “Hey, camel jockey. How did the whole Arab-Israeli conflict start? What was the real cause?” ... http://www.ynet.co.il/english/articles/0,7340,L-3105616,00.html Ray Hanania is a Palestinian-American writer, peace activist and standup comedian w...
Take a look at the likely outcome according to current polls: http://www.n-tv.de/politik/politik_wahl_2009/wahl_statistik/ Black is a safe Christian Democrat win. Red is a safe Social Democrat win. Violet is a safe Socialist win. Green is a safe Green win. I already voted. In my district, the last place I lived in before I moved to Dublin, there were two candidates with chances to win: Klaus Uwe Benneter runs for for the Social Democrats and is famous for once having be...
Harry's Place about "Human Rights Watch": I really am at a loss for words. Assuming that this is all correct, hiring a very extreme Communist, with simply horrendous views about Israel/Palestine to produce a report of this sort is akin hiring a man who was formerly active in the KKK to write about black people and crime. Fundraising for this sort of work in Saudi Arabia is like taking cash for this enterprise from the old Apartheid South Africa. This is the anatomy of a lynchi...
I don't know if it is a good idea first to call Ahmadinejad the "elected leader of Iran" and then "correcting" that statement. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs on Wednesday said he had misspoken in calling Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Iran 's elected leader and that Washington will let the Iranian people decide whether Iran's election was fair. "Let me correct a little bit of what I said yesterday. I denoted that Mr. Ahmadinejad was the elected leader of Iran. I would say tha...
On a more serious note... There is one more ship on its way to Gaza. The organisers said it will break the blockade rather than deliver goods via Israel or Egypt so it isn't about delivering the goods. The ship is Irish with some celebrities on board. Israel has to stop it to avoid opening a coridoor for weapons smugglers fully supported by most of the world who like nothing more than Jews and Arabs killing each other. But the ship is Irish. And I am in Ireland. If the crew decide to...
U.N. Me takes us on a harrowing and darkly humorous tour of the U.N.'s scandalous disregard for the people and principles it was founded to defend. Along the way we learn: How a U.N. peacekeeping force stationed in Cote d'Ivoire fired into a crowd of unarmed protesters, injuring and killing dozens, and how the U.N. failed to investigate. How the largest U.N. humanitarian effort ever conceived, the Oil for Food Program, devolved into one of the biggest scams in the history of ...
Charles Krauthammer explains the problems with Obama's foreign policy: The real news is that already notorious photo: the president of Brazil, our largest ally in Latin America, and the prime minister of Turkey, for more than half a century the Muslim anchor of NATO, raising hands together with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the most virulently anti-American leader in the world. That picture -- a defiant, triumphant take-that-Uncle-Sam -- is a crushing verdict on the Obama foreign policy. It d...
It is surprising but it seems that Obama's quest to "improve" relations with America's allies after the eight-year Bush debacle continue to fail. Even Reuters acknowledges that Obama has problems even just getting along with allies: U.S. President Barack Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai, allied in war but lacking in personal chemistry, face a critical test next week of whether they can just get along http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE64617L20100507 Any Obama supporters ...
Somalilandpress.com are still optimistic about rumours that Israel wants to recognise Somaliland's independence . I understand their optimism and I totally support official recognition, but I am ultimately less optimistic. I have checked every hint they had, Hebrew-language articles in Israeli newspapers, quotes from officials, word on the street; but I never could find the source of the rumours. I do know that the Israeli public are likely to support Somaliland. Anyway, Somalilandpres...
This is an opportunity for a really sarcastic article about how the supposed war crime of liberating Iraq somehow led to Iraqis voting for the very people who not only supported the invasion but even those who made the invasion happen . But instead of writing such an article, I thought I will rather celebrate this great democratic success and give liberals who opposed the invasion a chance to celebrate this too. For the third time Iraqis have had the chance to vote. Omar of Iraq the Model...
I found this interesting article on Ynet News. Rethinking Palestine Martin Sherman offers a paradigm shift from the political to the humanitarian And he makes some excellent points: It is time for the proponents of the two-state solution to admit that the Palestinians have failed the test of history in staking their claim for statehood. A dispassionate evaluation of the events of the past two decades inexorably compels one towards an increasing evident conclusion: The ...
What is your position regarding Jews and Arabs living in Jerusalem? 1. Jews and Arabs should be allowed to buy or build houses in all of Jerusalem. 2. Only Jews should be allowed to buy or build houses in all of Jerusalem. 3. Only Arabs should be allowed to buy or build houses in all of Jerusalem. Just curious.