I have been absent for quite a while. But I'll return soon. I have a few things to say about politics, religion, life and blogging. If any of my past readers are still here, I think they will enjoy the coming months. And if you just came by and have no idea who I might be, I cannot say that there is much to know. I have not changed.
It has been many years that I have been active here. I don't know if anyone of the old crew is still around. I don't know if anyone will even see this post... tell me if you do. I had moved from Dublin to Zurich and back and back again. I also continued blogging, although on my own site. I will perhaps become more active here again. In 2014 or so I posted here after a long break to refer to my blog posts about South Sudan and the CP/M operating system. (No-one can argue that I didn't cover...