A Leauki's Writings

I found this article on a German news site:


Frankreich ist während der Ferienzeit wegen möglicher Terroranschläge in besonderer Alarmbereitschaft. Da "die islamistische Bedrohung" sich ausweite, gelte erhöhter Alarm innerhalb der zweithöchsten Stufe des Terrorwarnsystems, teilte die französische Regierung mit. Die Gefahr eines radikalislamischen Anschlags bestehe für Franzosen und französische Einrichtungen "im Süden der Sahel-Zone und auf der arabischen Halbinsel" sowie auf französischem Staatsgebiet, hieß es in einem Schreiben der Pariser Polizei.

Translation of the first paragraph:

France is on special alert during the (summer) holiday season because of possible terrorist attacks. Since "the Islamist threat" is expanding, increased alert applies in the second highest level of terror alert system, said the French government. The threat of radical Islamic attack concerns French citizens and French establishments "in the south of the Sahel zone and on the Arabian Peninsula" as well as on French territory, it said in a letter to the Paris police.

I find this most interesting.

For the past few months I have read that everyone in Europe considers Israel to be a danger for world peace and Israelis to be violent people. Yet somehow...

You see? No word about violent Zionists and the danger for society that is Israel.

Despite media reports about bloodthirsty Israelis and common agreement that the terrorists are only victims of the Israeli military most people are still worried about Islamic terrorists and show no fear of Jewish fanatics.

No wonder that tourism has doubled in Israel while stagnating and losing in Turkey.

And no Frenchman, not even a left-wing peace activist, would ever get the idea of protecting himself, in France or anywhere else, from radical Jewish terror attacks.

We Jews and Israelis are the greatest danger to world peace since time immemorial, but noone would be on high alert because of us.

Everyone knows how dangerous we are, but nobody believes it.

on Aug 16, 2010


on Aug 16, 2010

Marv's been saying for months now...watch Turkey. 

on Aug 16, 2010

Yea, I have nightmares at night about those Jewish Terrorists drawing Stars of David on my Forehead!