A Leauki's Writings

One good answer I found was this:

The world does not care for Darfur because it is away from the prying eyes of the Media.

That's one reason. But it's not the only reason.

And there is two reasons for the one reason.

1.1. The laws of physics dictate that journalists can only report from places safe enough for journalists to escape alive.

While the horrible, horrible Gaza and Iraq are safe, some places in the world are not.

1.2. Journalists prefer living in luxury hotels and blaming Jews over living in wooden huts and blaming people who hit them when blamed.

This explains why journalists prefer to go after comparatively peaceful "evil" people who allow luxury hotels and journalists next to their "oppressed" victims.

But then there is another reason. You see, those who blame Israel for everything don't care about facts, reported or otherwise. And those who follow the media and care about what they hear tend to forget what they heard (although "Israel is evil" accumulates and creates more people of the first type).

Most people don't rely on media reports for their opinions about Israel. They rely on "common sense", which for liberals means that if there are serious accusations, the accused must be guilty.

I remember a case here on JU when someone told me that Israel use bulldozers to destroy homes of Arabs to replace them with Jewish settlements.

That's a typical accusation against Israe. I asked for a source.

I was told it was common knowledge. I asked for a source anyway.

The source I was finally given was a BBC article about how Israel used bulldozers to destroy a police station in Jenin during the "Intifada".

Turns out the media didn't even report this "common knowledge". The BBC actually did report only the facts (although the BBC didn't mention that the bulldozers were the alternative to bombing the building). But this report was enough. If Israelis use bulldozers to destroy a building during a war, it means they use bulldozers to destroy homes at any time. And if they destroy homes, it means they do it to replace the inhabitants with evil Jewish settlers, because that's what Jews do.

(And don't argue that this is not what Jews do because it's impossible for Israel to be innocent.)

So the second reason is all about what people want. The media report what people want to hear.

"300,000 dead in Darfur because we failed to act" is not as nice a message as "9 dead because of Israel and we can stop evil Israel if we intimidate local Jews enough and allow Hamas to launch rockets Israeli kindergardens".

2.1: The media report what people want to hear.

And then there is a third reason, something more sinister.

The third reason is about racism.

Ask anyone, liberal or conservative alike and you will find that most people have an expectation that _Africans_ and _poverty_ belong together just like _white people_ and _normal_ belong together.

This is why pictures of Darfur of black people walking miles through the desert to get water doesn't strike us as odd while (white) people in Gaza not having access to chocolate or advanced medical care appears to be a humanitarian disaster.

The truth is that the first is a real humanitarian disaster and it's OUR FAULT because we unleashed tha Arab imperialists on Sudan whereas the second is normal. Most people don't have access to medical care as good as Israel's.

We have all seen the pictures of starving Africans, so it's not like the media don't report it. It's not like the Kurdish question where the media simply won't report anything. (Most starving Africans live in very safe areas and could be helped if we gave less money to the "Palestinians" but that's perhaps beside the point.)

3.1: People have certain expectations about how non-Jewish white people ought to live.

3.2: People also have certain expectations about how Africans normally live.

That's why there is an outcry when Israel checks Gazans on their way to an Israeli hospital for bombs. And that's why most of us think it's normal for Africans to live in tents in the middle of the desert.

Did you ever think about this? Do you think human civilisations actually moved into the dry desert to live in broken tents? On a continent that has rivers and lakes all over the place? No, you see, and this is important, it is decidedly NOT normal for Africans to live in tents in dry deserts. It's something WE did to them. And that is a humanitarian crisis.

And I fecking don't do enough to change it.

While so many are eager to forget Africa and worry about the evil Jews instead, I worry about my own safety and allow people to die.

One thing I did was I decided to give the difference between my old and my new salary (I got a 8% raise) to a charity for Darfur in the first month. And I sometimes blog about Africa. But that's all.

It's not enough.

It makes me A LOT better than those "peace-activists" who are trying to destroy Israel in order to save the world, but I have no chance to get anywhere with this, not even an imagined chance.

on Jun 17, 2010


on Jun 17, 2010

You excuse the media too much.  While there is a lot of prejudice out there (the common knowledge bunch), the fact is most people form their opinions based upon the news they receive from the media.  And the media is either incompetent or malfeasant.  Given the ability of the media to get tot he bottom of the truth, I do not think it is the former.

The perception you talk about regarding Africa is an old one that is slowly being replaced.  People know that there are still Robert Mugabes, but there are also a lot of success stories that are peeling away that perception - when the media does its job.

So what is the real reason?  I think you hit a major part of it.  Comfort and safety for journalists.  But that only explains parts of it, not the totality.  Bigotry and hatred are a big part of the mix.  Not the hatred for Jews (they are collateral damage in the whole scandal).  But hatred for anything and anyone that does not conform to their world view.  Caucasians are the devil, and so other races cannot be bigoted, perform acts of hate or violence.  They are always the victim.  They seek out facts to support their predefined conclusion, and ignore facts that run counter to it (and you have to Admit Darfur is the epitome of the contradiction to their bigotry).

To see what the media is doing, go around the major stories.  Look at the side stories that define what and who they are.  IN those you will see their bigotry and hatred manifested by the way they report on the non-crises stories.  There are always 2 sides to a crises and so it is easy for people to believe one side or the other without realizing they are being played.  But when they report a non-crises, they let their hate and bigotry through in naked fashion.

It goes beyond Jews and Israel.  They are merely one of the front lines in their war on truth and accuracy.  it goes to the corruption and decadence (as detailed by you with the symptom of avoiding discomfort and danger).  Some may slam me as being a back seater harping on the front lines for calling them cowards when I am not in harms way.  But then I never chose to be a journalist.  In my chosen profession, if I did a job half assed, I would not do it for long. 

on Jun 17, 2010

Caucasians are the devil, and so other races cannot be bigoted, perform acts of hate or violence.  They are always the victim.

Arabs are Caucasians. Darfurians are Africans. But there is no sympathy for the Africans or hatred for the Caucasians.

Similarly the Arab-Israeli conflict is between Caucasians and Caucasians, and the Jews are not even "white" according to white supremacists (and some Israelis are black anyway).

So that's not it.

I think they invented the concept of "brown people". Never tired of sorting people according to the colour of their skin, liberals have identified "brown people" as today's oppressed people. What exactly "brown people" are is difficult to tell, but you sure find the term a lot on left-wing Web forums.


on Jun 17, 2010

Arabs are Caucasians. Darfurians are Africans. But there is no sympathy for the Africans or hatred for the Caucasians.

In my own fervor, I exhibited my own stupidity.  I meant Europeans.  Clearly Arabs are not European, the source of all evil (nor are all Jews, but you heard Helen Thomas).

My slip is only magnified by the bigots and race baiters.  They do not go for scientific classification, but for "feelings"  and a swede can be a good guy, while A Brazilian can be evil.

on Jun 17, 2010

In my own fervor, I exhibited my own stupidity.  I meant Europeans.  Clearly Arabs are not European, the source of all evil (nor are all Jews, but you heard Helen Thomas).

Jews were not Europeans when it was better to be European.

Now that it is worse to be European, Jews are Europeans.

Out there, in the world, all the walls were covered with graffiti: "Yids, go back to Palestine," so we came back to Palestine, and now the worldatlarge shouts at us: "Yids, get out of Palestine."

-- Amos Oz


My slip is only magnified by the bigots and race baiters.  They do not go for scientific classification, but for "feelings"  and a swede can be a good guy, while A Brazilian can be evil.

The scientific classifications are as useless for the racist as they are for the non-racist.

It's not Europeans either. Blond, white, antisemitic Scandinavians are "good". In fact the only people among the "Death to the Jews" crowd who are not "good" are those that also hate Muslims. But there are not many of those.




on Jun 17, 2010

It's not Europeans either. Blond, white, antisemitic Scandinavians are "good". In fact the only people among the "Death to the Jews" crowd who are not "good" are those that also hate Muslims. But there are not many of those.

You mistake their love for the governments of Europe (who do like to tweak the nose of Americans, Israelis, and anyone else with a modicum of intelligence) with who is doing evil.  They do not see a swede from a Pole (except for when it suits their purpose as the perps are standing side by side with them in denouncing anything they cannot control), only that they exist, so they must be doing wrong.

on Jun 28, 2010

It would be great if American ships would start asking Sweden whether they can expect to be boycotted too or whether they non-antisemitic boycott is only against ships from the Jewish state.

Alternatively, Swedish shipments could be boycotted in the US.

Note that Sweden's behaviour towards Israel is ultimately a signal for the willingness to behave towards anyone who is too weak to defend himself. They just picked the weakest target.