I have the solution:
Let the UN take over the Gaza blockade. But with a twist.
Israel and Egypt can then close or open their borders with Gaza and Israel won't have to deliver 15000 tons of goods per week any more.
But here's the twist.
Since the UN totally failed (and some say didn't even try) to stop weapons deliveries to Hizbullah in southern Lebanon, this time the UN will have an incentive to do its job.
For every rocket or other missile that hits Israeli soil, the UN must pay Israel 100,000 dollars for distribution to whomever the owner or tenant was of the location that was hit. Likewise for Egypt since Hamas targets them also. Obviously Hamas (or whoever the government of Gaza will be) will have to pay also for the damages the rockets cause. The UN can administer these payments.
If the UN and "peace activists" are right and the rockets are only fired because of the "blockade" that was instituted after two years of rocket fire, then rocket fire will stop once the world has full access to Gaza and the UN never will have to pay anything. (They can get two rockets a year for free, i.e. damages only.)
If Israel is right and the rockets are fired because Hamas, as Hamas themselves say, hate Jews, Israel will "win" the bet and suddenly a rocket will mean money rather than just destruction.
Obama, make that proposal!
So I now add my voice to the world consent: End the blockade!