A Leauki's Writings
Published on April 27, 2010 By Leauki In War on Terror

A Quinnipiac University survey released recently indicated that Obama made a mistake on the Israel issue, and not only among Jews. Overall, the US public supports the president’s foreign policy, mostly in Afghanistan (56%) and in handling terror (61%), yet Americans are dissatisfied with Obama on one issue – his attitude to the Israeli-Palestinian problem.

This trend is especially noticeable among Jews. While they support Obama on any other issue, when it comes to Israel 67% of them object to the president’s policy, while only 28% support him. Among the overall population, a majority of 57% support Israel while only 13% back the Palestinians. According to the survey, 66% of Americans are telling Obama that they expect him to support Israel.



I knew something was odd when Nancy Pelosi declared that Congress disagreed with the President:

On Capitol Hill, Netanyahu received a warm public reception from Congress on Tuesday, with a top Democrat and Republican joining to praise a leader who has refused to back down in a disagreement the White House says threatens new peace talks.

The bipartisan welcome underscored the breadth of congressional support for Israel even when a U.S. president wants to keep his distance. And it pointed to the limited options, beyond verbal rebukes, that the Obama administration faces in pressuring the Jewish state.

"We in Congress stand by Israel," the leader of the House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., assured Netanyahu at an all-smiles appearance before the cameras. "In Congress we speak with one voice on the subject of Israel."

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton greeted Netanyahu this week with a polite rebuke. Expansionist Israeli housing policies erode trust and the U.S. position as an honest broker, she said. Netanyahu's public reply came quickly: Jews have built their homes in Jerusalem for centuries and will continue, he told a pro-Israel audience.



No thanks to Hillary Clinton, who is a huge disappointment. But my thanks go to Nancy Pelosi who stood firm!

on Apr 27, 2010


on Apr 27, 2010

But my thanks go to Nancy Pelosi who stood firm!

Mussolini made the trains run on time.

Several Observations.

1. We only have a few more months of the botox queen.  Whatever else happens (outside of a major attack on the US and that is debatable - the outcome), Democrats will lose the house.

2. Democrats will probably not lose the Senate, but Reid will lose (thank god!).  He is a Mino and an insult to all real Mormons.

3. The new Congress will assert more of its will against Obama after November, so this roasting that Obama is doing to them will cease (it will become a benign neglect).

America did not change in November 2008, and like most politicians that are not as smart as they think they are, Obama has acted like it did.  For that, the rest of his tenure will be impotent (we can hope).  Take heart Israel.  The barbarians are about to be pushed back from the gates.

on Apr 27, 2010

1. We only have a few more months of the botox queen.  Whatever else happens (outside of a major attack on the US and that is debatable - the outcome), Democrats will lose the house.

That is likely but doesn't affect my opinion of Pelosi.


2. Democrats will probably not lose the Senate, but Reid will lose (thank god!).  He is a Mino and an insult to all real Mormons.

I had nothing against Harry Reid for a long time, but found his incompetence odd when he decided that he wouldn't believe what military experts said and voted against the surge because "the war was lost".


3. The new Congress will assert more of its will against Obama after November, so this roasting that Obama is doing to them will cease (it will become a benign neglect).

But will the new congress be better or will it just be radical loonies from both sides?

I want a congress made up of Democrats like Joe Lieberman and Republicans like John McCain and George W. Bush.


America did not change in November 2008, and like most politicians that are not as smart as they think they are, Obama has acted like it did.  For that, the rest of his tenure will be impotent (we can hope).  Take heart Israel.  The barbarians are about to be pushed back from the gates.

Obama is plain dumb. I don't think he is really hostile to Israel (he has increased military aid for Israel) but I also don't think that he understand what Jerusalem means to Jews and that not everything that was once Ottoman Empire is automatically Arab. There is no logical reason why a Jewish city of the Ottoman Empire should not remain a Jewish city even if Arab armies invade and expell all the Jews.

The same thing happened in Iraq with Kirkuk. It was a Kurdish city under Ottoman rule and then the "international community" decided that it was Arab and that Saddam can expell (and kill) the Kurdish population.



on Apr 27, 2010

While it is true that the majority of the population of the territory of the southern part of the province of Beirut and the province of Jerusalem was Arab it is also true that the majority of the population in Jerusalem itself was Jewish.

I don't see why apart from all the lands the Arabs stole from Jews outside "Palestine", they should also get parts of the land Jews bought and owned in "Palestine".


on Apr 27, 2010

Obama is plain dumb.

I couldn't believe how he treated the head of the state of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, when he came to the U.S. for a visit.  You just don't do that even if you don't agree with the man.  You just don't get up and walk out leaving your guest to fend for himself while you eat dinner in your own quarters.  That was a deliberate direct snub and should be embarrasing to all of us that our head of state would act that way towards another. 

Very interesting in lieu of the fact that Obama had no problem bowing to the Arab leaders who are less than friendly toward our country. 

on Apr 27, 2010

That is likely but doesn't affect my opinion of Pelosi.

You are loyal until proven otherwise.  But then her affects on you are minimal compared to the damage she does citizens.

I had nothing against Harry Reid for a long time, but found his incompetence odd when he decided that he wouldn't believe what military experts said and voted against the surge because "the war was lost".

I just thank God he is not my senator.  He is a lying SOB that betrayed his voters.

But will the new congress be better or will it just be radical loonies from both sides?

I want a congress made up of Democrats like Joe Lieberman and Republicans like John McCain and George W. Bush.

I think you will be pleased.  Right now, you have idiots like Reid and Franken that have not met a terrorist they did not love.  They will be replaced.  4 years ago you could have argued with a "so what?  6 of 1 half dozen of another".  But I think (if nothing else, and there really is nothing else) Obama has made republicans honest by instigating the Tea Party.  And they will use their voting block not to take over the government, but to keep politicians honest for a few years.

Obama is plain dumb.

Dumb means bereft of speech - mute.  That he is not.  He is stupid.  An idiot.  And that is all you have to say about him to understand him and what he does.  The rest is just window dressing.

I don't see why apart from all the lands the Arabs stole from Jews outside "Palestine", they should also get parts of the land Jews bought and owned in "Palestine".

To understand, you have to basically put your brain in neutral, and just use instinct.  There is no logic or rational reasoning to this latest hysteria.  It just makes a good sound byte for mind numbed idiots.