A Leauki's Writings
Published on April 20, 2010 By Leauki In US Domestic

In our peculiar post-9/11 world, it is apparently less controversial to kill a suspect in cold blood than to hold him in preventive detention. The Post reported on February 14 that the Obama administration has killed many more suspected terrorists than it has captured. According to National Journal, Obama ordered more drone attacks in his first year than President Bush did in two full presidential terms. The Post article suggested that the two developments may not be unrelated. A dead suspect, after all, has no right to habeas corpus; and with a dead suspect, one need not agonize over the choice between civilian criminal court and a military commission.



I'm not sure I totally get liberal morality. Perhaps I am an evil conservative Zionist and hence immoral by ethnicity.

Correct me if I am wrong.

Imprisoning people in Gitmo so that they won't be executed in their home countries: unspeakable evil, must demonstrate against Gitmo

Shooting people on sight: good




on Apr 20, 2010

Also note that the drone attacks Obama orders are an unspeakable evil when Israel orders them. But to be fair, Obama has not criticised Israel for drone attacks (or even more violent fighting).

All-in-all it seems to me that Obama's policies are a mixture of talking nice and fighting dirty. I hear he has also increased military aid to Israel while at the same time promising the terrorists that he will bar Jews from Jerusalem (before celebrating a Jewish festival that calls for the return of Jews to Jerusalem, the man is an enigma).

I do think this will eventually lead to war.


on Apr 20, 2010

Sight Unseen.  That is the piece you are missing.  Gitmo - Seen.  Dead terrorist in the Mid East Desert - not seen (or Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.).  Liberals love to pontificate, but rarely back up their talk with actions.  instead, they do it surreptitiously.

The man is not an enigma.  He is just a hypocritical lying egotistical man-child.  Who unfortunately was given the blasting cap for the explosives before he was old enough to understand the responsibility of handling lethal weapons.



Perhaps I am an evil conservative Zionist

We do not care what your color, creed, race or nationality is.  We just welcome you to the right side of the fight!