A Leauki's Writings
Published on April 15, 2010 By Leauki In War on Terror

Meet the new mascot of my blog, Mr Shmulik Karhon. Mr Karhon (aka Mr Samuel Iceberg) is a desert penguin.

He is Jewish, obviously. I imagine his family is from northern Iraq. He is a traditionalist but not really religious. He is a conservative, like most penguins, yet fairly progressive, like most Jews.

And he is not afraid of being thrown into the sea.

Artwork by Daniel Haw

on Apr 15, 2010

Actually, penguins are usually liberals. But Jewish penguins get mugged by reality a lot.


on Apr 15, 2010

Actually, I just figured you had dumped your Mac love and gone linux on us (The Penguin is the symbol of Linux).

Of course he had to have a Jewish flavor.  But on the icon, you cannot tell he is wearing a yarmulka.  It just looks like a pointy geek head.   So it is good we get to see a full picture of him with his Star of David.

fortunately, I only eat cats, not birds.

on Apr 15, 2010

Actually, I just figured you had dumped your Mac love and gone linux on us (The Penguin is the symbol of Linux).

It was the other way around actually.

I went from OS/2 to Linux (to BeOS to PowerPC Linux) to Mac OS X. I got some penguin stuff with my first Linux distributions and since my family have a strong zoological thing going, my mother kepy buying me penguin stuff (I have blankets, t-shirts, shoewer curtains, bath towels, all with penguin pictures).


Of course he had to have a Jewish flavor.  But on the icon, you cannot tell he is wearing a yarmulka.  It just looks like a pointy geek head.  So it is good we get to see a full picture of him with his Star of David.

I thought the yarmulke was visible. There is a line between the black yarmulke and the black head. Maybe it's only visible if you expect it to be there.

The big nose is Jewish.

I am a total geek, although people tell me that online I come off as somewhat corporate and correct. Anyone who knows me personally know that unless stopped I just won't stop talking about four basic subjects: linguistics, computers, comic books, and how life keeps surprising me.


fortunately, I only eat cats, not birds.

You know, you always reminded me of Alf, even without the picture. I loved that show.


on Apr 15, 2010

I thought it was a Terrasaur when I first saw the image.

on Apr 15, 2010

You see the line in the icon, but it looks more like a bone on the back of the head.  The larger picture made it clear what it is.  Now that I have seen the larger picture, it will always look like a Yarmulka.

on Apr 15, 2010
