Turns outStormfront.org found out who is responsible, either for Global Warming or the "lie" about it:
When the staff at Hatewatch wants to know about the weird weather out there, we know just where to turn: Stormfront.org. That’s right, the leading white supremacist Web forum in the world. Only there can you find a truly unique revelation about the causes of global warming, and it has nothing to do with carbon emissions.
It’s the Jews.
That the nefarious Jews are behind “climate change and carbon trading scams” comes from no less an authority than a Stormfront member of more than three years who posts under the moniker of ZOG.gov. (ZOG is a white supremacists’ acronym for Zionist Occupied Government.) He thoughtfully posted photos and biographical information of nine climate experts whom he identified as being Jewish. In a tiny oversight, however, ZOG.gov neglected to explain what the nefarious nine have said that is a climate change-related “scam.” At least two of the climate curmudgeons have been awarded lucrative “genius” grants from the MacArthur Foundation. (Not to worry, Stormfront readers: Businessman and philanthropist John D. MacArthur was the son of an itinerant Baptist preacher.)
But no worries, Stormfront are fighting the good fight. They also support a "free Palestine". And imagine my surprise when I found anti-Jewish statements among their arguments!
Our Brothers in the Aryan Guard marching in a protest in Canada.