This is something Americans should understand:
Hezbollah’s reaction to Israel’s plan to build 1,600 apartments in a Jewish neighborhood in East Jerusalem might help President Barack Obama understand something that has so far eluded him: the Syrian-Iranian-Hamas-Hezbollah resistance bloc will not allow him to appease it.
“The scheme is yet another part of a Judaization campaign,” Hezbollah said in a statement quoted by the Tehran Times, “that targets the holy city of al-Quds [Jerusalem] and a provocation of Muslim feeling.” If Obama expected a little appreciation from Israel’s enemies for making the same point with more diplomatic finesse, he was mistaken. “The Zionist plan to construct hundreds of homes in al-Quds,” Hezbollah continued, “truly shows American cover to it.”
A couple of years ago Hezbollah stretched a banner across an overpass near Lebanon’s international airport that said, in English, “All our catastrophes come from America.” Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah would have an awfully hard time climbing down from that high a tree even if his Iranian masters would let him — and they won’t. They’ve been calling Israel the “Little Satan” and the U.S. the “Great Satan” since Jimmy Carter, of all people, was president.
The point here is that in the eyes of Islamic fundamentalists, especially of the Shiite kind, America is the great satan while Israel (and Jews) are the little satan. Appeasing them won't work for the US because they won't cooperate with big evil against little evil.
From the same article:
They had every reason in the world to hate Saddam Hussein more than anyone else in the world. His army killed hundreds of thousands of Iranians in an eight-year war he started less than a year after Ayatollah Khomeini became Supreme Leader. (Israel, meanwhile, has never fought a war with Iran and hasn’t killed any Iranians.) Yet the United States earned no points whatsoever for taking out their most dangerous enemy and placing their Shia co-religionists in the saddle in Baghdad.
Remember this. During that war the US did support Saddam with intelligence (and Iran with arms), but it was Israel that destroyed Saddam's nuclear capabilities with Iranian support.
The Iranian regime and their lackeys do not hate Israel and appreciate American neutrality. They hate America and would appreciate Israel's surrender.
Hizbullah and Syria and other Iran-allied Arabs want Israel gone, but for the Iranian regime, there is no need to see Israel go. Without Israel, Arabs could unite against Iran and there would be NOTHING Iran could do to keep some Arabs on their side. The Iranian regime needs Israel, but it doesn't need the United States.
If Iran gets the bomb, who is to say that they will use it to destroy one of Islam's holiest sites (Jerusalem) rather than use it as a threatening tool against America and her Arab allies in the Gulf?
Chances are the first Iranian-sourced bomb shows up somewhere in the US and not in Israel at all.
They want Jews to be second-class citizens, as they are in Iran.
But they want Americans dead. And there has never been any doubt about that.