A Leauki's Writings
Published on January 26, 2010 By Leauki In War on Terror


Note that the author of this cartoon is a Muslim, or as he so excellently puts it "a Muslim by faith... Christian by the spirit... a Jew by heart... and above all [...] a human being".

Images of Muhammed were never illegal according to traditional Islam but are illegal according to the new Islam developed by people like Bin Laden. Images of Bin Laden, despite his belief that he stands above G-d, are still legal.




on Jan 26, 2010


on Jan 26, 2010

The man is going to have a fatwa on his butt before the day is out!

on Jan 27, 2010

The man is going to have a fatwa on his butt before the day is out!

Easiest way to get a death fatwa: defend the Islam that exists independently of the fanatics.