A Leauki's Writings
Published on January 9, 2010 By Leauki In War on Terror

Israel's brutal oppression of the "Palestinians" reaches a new height. In her constant search for more criminal methods of defending herself Israel has now deployed this:

Israel has announced the successful testing of its Iron Dome anti-missile system, said to be capable of intercepting rockets launched by militants in Gaza and South Lebanon.

The shield, which fires missiles at incoming threats that it identifies by radar, is being called a “gamechanger” in the way that Israel can conduct its defences.

The system can estimate where a missile will land, targeting those that will hit populated areas while ignoring missiles heading for open ground, military experts said.


I have no doubt that if a single Hizbullah missile intercepted in the air falls on Arab property and causes as much as a fence to burn down, Israel WILL be accused of the war crimes.

(But then if that doesn't happen, Israel will also be accused of war crimes. And this way we can at least destroy an enemy fence. Or can anyone imagine that Israel has any other goal than total destruction of her enemies???)

It is clear to me that only the most vile oppressors would even research a missile defence system like that instead of simply killing all the enemies like the non-oppressive armies that used more humane tactics do it.

Now Hizbullah have to find better ways to kill Jews^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H bring food and water to oppressed Palestinians (which is what the "Palestinian Cause" is all about).


on Jan 09, 2010


on Jan 09, 2010

I applaud Israel for trying this out; hopefully it will exceed expectations.