A Leauki's Writings

And what does he do? He makes demands.

What right does he have to make demands?

Perhaps the Israeli foreign minister, the known fascist because he is a Jew Lieberman, should go to Europe and demand that, say, Spain stop building Spanish settlements in the Basque country (or in whichever area of Spain any Basque terrorist group sees as their land)?

Apparently, after 60 years of wars and terrorism against Israel and after 2000 years of violent Anti-Semitism, the world has finally found out what the problem is: there are still some Jews living on "Arab land".

So they propose segregation as the solution.

If segregation was a solution, President Obama could solve America's problems with a simple order that no blacks are allowed to live in Chicago.

Most of the "Arab world" is Jew-free, but the Arab world's problems are not solved. How would a Jew-free West-Bank or a Jew-free East-Jerusalem solve anything?

And why doesn't anybody propose a stop (or freeze) of Arab settlements in Israel (or in the disputed territories)?

I hope Netanyahu remains strong and makes it clear to the world that IT IS OVER.

This, my friends, is hopefully the last time anybody demands that certain areas be Jew-free and expects the Jews to leave.

If the Arabs don't want to live in the same neighbourhoods as Jews, the Arabs should leave.

I have been in one of the "settlements", i.e. Jerusalem neighbourhoods. Arabs and Jews live there door to door and it is difficult even on the streets to see which is which. I was surprised to learn that most of the people I met on the streets were Arabs; so much was even I indoctrinated to believe that Jews and Arabs cannot live together. But I have learned.

German Foreign Minister Guideo Westerwelle needs to learn a bit about Israel. And President Obama should visit one of the arabised areas of Kurdistan or Darfur to get an idea of what segregation does for peace.

I find it disgusting that an Israeli foreign minister, who does not differentiate between Jews and Arabs but only between loyalty and enmity, is called a racist while a German foreign minister and an American president who openly call for segregation in Jerusalem are progressives.



on Nov 24, 2009

After the last 200 Jews fled Yemen four weeks ago, seeing their houses firebombed on a daily basis, Yemen is now, to my knowledge, Jew-free.

Rejoice, western world, you got another Jew-free country.


on Nov 24, 2009

Westerwelle is an idiot.

on Nov 24, 2009

Westerwelle is an idiot.

That too.

He certainly didn't make the best impression in Israel by making demands and delivering nothing.

But his opinion is the normal one among Germany's elite. The existence of Jews in areas that ought to be Jew-free is sees as the main obstacle to peace.

It's not the terrorism or Arab demands for the destruction of Israel (or of extermination of the Jewish race in the case of Hizbullah and Hamas) that stand in the way, it's the Jews.

Why a "Palestinian" state couldn't have Jewish citizens is not addressed. It's just assumed as a given that a new Arab state must be Jew-free, like most of the existing Arab states.

Similarly eastern Jerusalem, which contains the Jewish holy sites (which are only holy in Islam because they are the Jewish holy sites) is assumed to be "Arab", despite the fact that the negotiations so far didn't say so and were interrupted in 2000 not by Jewish "settlers" but by Arafat's attack against Israel (in itself technically a violation of the Oslo treaty which didn't actually have a "can attack of they like" proviso for one side).

My suggestion to Germany is this:

1. Stop building German settlements in all Sorbish territories in Brandenburg and Saxony. What "Sorbish territory" is will be defined by somebody who is not you.

2. Hand over East-Berlin including Mitte and the Brandenburg Gate to Poland.

If that doesn't make sense, you have understood how Israel feels about those German (and American) demands.


on Nov 24, 2009

I think Guttenberg should have been made foreign minister and Westerwelle minister of defence.

Guttenberg looks good and knows how to behave, he would be appreciated in Israel.

And Westerwelle couldn't do much harm as the minister of defence in the world's most passive military power.


on Nov 24, 2009

It was part of the coalition treaty that the FDP gets the foreign ministry, and Merkel had to agree or lose the election. I am sure Guttenberg would be a better foreign minister - Westerwell can't even speak english propery. It's humiliating