A Leauki's Writings
Published on June 1, 2008 By Leauki In Object Desktop

Why does Object Desktop create icons in both All Programs\Stardock\Object Desktop and All Programs\Object Desktop?

It's very annoying.


on Jun 01, 2008
I'm hoping with Impulse things will become more consistent going forward.
on Jun 02, 2008
yeah, kinda irritating...   

on the other hand, now that I looked in the \Stardock\Object Desktop I no longer have to run SDC to get SKS6 to run   
on Jun 04, 2008

I get All Programs\WinCustomize for BootSkin and LogonStudio, All Programs\Stardock for OD+ and a few apps like CFX, and then I've got All Programs\Object Desktop for WindowBlinds and DesktopX. Why, oh why can't they put it into one folder?