Three types of anti-Semites^H^H^H^H^H^H^HZionists:
1. Self-proclaimed "Muslims" who never read the Quran and base their
opinion largely on urban legends. They live in the west and have access
to facts but don't use it.
2. Muslims from other places who
don't have easy access to facts. They usually change their mind once
they find out the truth. They are usually not willfully ignorant. But some of them are and don't. (Those that don't eventually join radical Muslim or Arab nationalist parties.)
Leftists and Neo-Nazis from Europe and America who simply don't like
Jews. They are sometimes aware and sometimes not aware of any real
facts. Many Neo-Nazis know about the connections between the NSDAP and
the PLO and support the Arabs for that reason. Most leftists do not
care enough about actual history to know that and if they find out,
they often become Neo-Nazis. Those leftists who are influenced by
actual knowledge of history do not even attack Israel in the first