Arab countries are meeting with Israel and the US to talk
1. Taking land in a war is illegal.
2. Israel should have been invaded and become part of an Arab state.
3. It is unacceptable for an Arab minority to live in a state with a Jewish majority.
4. It is acceptable for Jews to live in Europe or America.
5. The Arab refugee problem is a real tragedy and must be part of any solution to the Palestine conflict.
6. It is acceptable to talk about the Palestine conflict without mentioning the Jewish refugees from Arab countries.
7. Israeli attacks that kill civilians are war crimes.
8. Suicide attacks against shopping malls and kindergartens are a legitimate weapon in a war against an occupying power.
9. Palestinian Arabs must not be forced to live outside their ancient homeland’s 1948 borders because forcing someone out of their home country is a big crime indeed.
10. All Jews should be thrown into the sea or deported to Europe and America.
11. It is perfectly acceptable for Mecca to be ruled by one group only with no access allowed for members of other religions.
12. Israeli control of Jerusalem is a crime against the Palestinian people.
13. A Jewish state is a racist concept as it promotes one group at the expensive of another.
14. Jews living in Palestine are not Palestinians.