Just a few points, perhaps they are all wrong.
1. The Quran refers to Canaan as the land G-d gave to the people of Israel, but the "Palestinians" insist that it be called by the name the Greek and Roman pagans gave to it.
2. The worst murderer of Muslims ever has been executed and the "Palestinians" mourn his death.
3. The King of Jordan, of Muhammed's family and of the traditional ruling family of the holy cities of Islam (until the Saudis violently took over), wants peace with the people of Israel, but the "Palestinians" defy his authority.
Why are these people still considered Muslims? What could they possibly do that would show their disrespect for the Quran and fellow Muslims as well as the followers of the other heavenly religions even more?
What would Muhammed call those who defy the authority of his family, who insist on using pagan rather than Islamic names for a holy land, and who cheer for the murderers of millions of Muslims? I somehow doubt he would consider them faithful Muslims. But perhaps I am wrong.