1. Don't buy anything Scottish until you are sure that you have understood the supermarkets.
2. How to cross a road: check for busses, cross the road. If you fail to check for busses first, you will probably die.
3. The Luas is a local tram system in Dublin and it has sporadic electrical problems (which the company deny) and an erratic schedule (which the company don't know about). Deal with it.
4. You are friends with everyone in a pub and back on the street the same people won't know you.
5. The algorithm that defines who pays for what in a pub is very difficult and no foreigner can possibly hope to understand it. One method is to collect money on the table with everyone occasionally adding to it while food and drinks are paid from it.
6. People rarely meet in a flat. People meet in pubs.
7. You will find that everybody in Ireland behaves exactly like the English. But please pretend that you have never seen two more different cultures.
8. Pizza in Ireland is terrible. But the menus are now available in Polish.
9. Everybody in Ireland is working. But the entire society functions as if everybody expected everybody else to be at home during the day. "Can you come back tomorrow at 11 AM?" is a typical question a bank clerk might ask a customer. ("No. I work during the day.")
10. The Irish post office is mainly a letter and package store. Everything will be held for a week before delivery. But it will be delivered eventually.