A Leauki's Writings
What's with these people anyway?
Published on February 2, 2006 By Leauki In Current Events
"The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic consecration for future Muslim generations until Judgment Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered; it, or any part of it, should not be given up," the Hamas charter states.


Palazzi believes that Israel exists by "divine right" and that the Koran clearly states (Sura 5:21) that God granted the Land of Israel to the Children of Israel and ordered them to settle there. In addition, it is predicted that before the end of days, God will bring the Children of Israel to retake possession of the Land, gathering them from the different countries and nations (Sura 17:104).


NOW, can SOMEBODY please make Hamas read the Qur'an?

It appears that these day the only qualification needed to become a good Muslim is ignorance of the prophet's words.

Maybe Israel should add an appropriate quote from the Qur'an to her flag, like some Arab countries have done.

(Could a Muslim burn the Israeli flag if it quoted a sura from the Qur'an that says that Israel is Jewish land? If G-d kills such a Muslim as punishment for desecrating a sura, does the Muslim count as a martyr?)

Perhaps Hamas should spend more time reading and less time violating the laws they should have read about.

on Feb 02, 2006
Let me just add that the links work and were displayed as text when I first read the article after posting it.
on Feb 02, 2006
Hey Leauki,

The first link didn't work for me. It just takes me to a yahoo search page.

"Palazzi believes that Israel exists by "divine right" and that the Koran clearly states (Sura 5:21) that God granted the Land of Israel to the Children of Israel and ordered them to settle there. In addition, it is predicted that before the end of days, God will bring the Children of Israel to retake possession of the Land, gathering them from the different countries and nations (Sura 17:104)."

Hmmm, just like the Bible.

Hasn't there been a slow influx of Jews returning to Israel from all over the world? I read that somewhere a while back.
on Feb 02, 2006

Hmmm, just like the Bible.

Islam was built of Judiasm and Christianity.  They do not see Jesus as the Son of God, but just as another prophet in a long line of them, until Mohammed came.

Great point Andrew.

on Feb 02, 2006

The first link didn't work for me. It just takes me to a yahoo search page.

The link DOES work. You have to copy and paste the part of the link that JoeUser regards as "random text after the link".

on Feb 02, 2006
God will bring the Children of Israel to retake possession of the Land, gathering them from the different countries and nations (Sura 17:104)."
Sauf votre respect, c'est la meilleure incongruité que j'ai lue ces derniers jours... Vous devez lire le Coran pour parler en connaissance de cause...

Et puis de puis quand a-t-on besoin d'expliquer tout et rien par la religion ??? En fin de compte, vous vous apprêtez au même jeu des fanatiques religieux...Un retour d'image en quelque sorte !!!
on Feb 02, 2006
I don't think that is what was intended mar'ouki. I think, as you said, settling on one "truth" in the presence of others breeds irrational fanatacism. Andrew was pointing out that not even the Islamic folks can really settle on what is to become of Israel according to their own beliefs. To kill in the name of a religion should require certainty, and the understanding of what the Koran is saying doesn't seem to be nearly clear enough to base the kind of killing and destruction that is called for.
on Feb 02, 2006
Je souscris totalement avec vous. Mon point de vue repose sur le fait que la religion n'explique pas tout...
on Feb 02, 2006
I have read the Qur'an. An English translation anyway.

The point is that Hamas misrepresents what the Qur'an says about Israel. And the fact that their devout followers don't realise that means that they have neglected to read their holy book.

Hamas, according to the Qur'an anyway, are fighting a war against G-d. And if Islam is true, the fact that they do so by convincing people to commit suicide while murdering other human beings won't help them in the afterlife.

Note that this is not a justification for the existence of Israel. The justification for Israel is the simple fact that Jews cannot live among the Arab Nazis and Islamic fundamentalists of the last 100 years (and no other minority should be forced to either).

That the Bible and the Qur'an both agree that this should happen can be either a sign of G-d's power and wisdom or a coincidence that can be abused by extremist Jews; it is a question of faith.