If you are a left-winger or "peace activist", you may ignore this post. You don't believe that weapons of mass destruction have ever been owned or used by anyone other than Israel.
But if you are normal (or a right-winger) this might interest you.
Apparently Saddam's WMDs ended up in the hands of our friend and partner Turkey, EU candidate and winner of the peace activist of the year award for losing nine people in a blockade run which for Turkey was the equivalent of 911.
Chemical and phosphorus bombs have been employed by Turkish Army against Kurdish rebels, According to some Kurdish media outlets.
Turkish Air Force has been pounding North of Iraq for eighteen executive days.
“Arabic letters are inscribed on the seized unexploded ordnances, bearing very similar resemblance to the ones utilized by former Iraqi dictator in “ Halabja City, “ says the coordinator of an NGO, who declined to reveal his real identity for fears of retaliation and obstruction to the ongoing investigation.
The Turkish peace troops have also been accused of genocide, an accusation I naturally reject on the grounds that Turkey is not Israel and hence cannot possibly be committing genocide. Turkish leader Erdogan himself has said that Muslims cannot commit genocide, reassuring his friend Bashir from Sudan whom irresponsible imperialists are accusing of genocide just because over 300,000 Africans died while a few millions fled Bashir's militias.
Since the outset of decades-old Turkish imposing conflict in Southeast, more than 40,000 innocent civilians, mostly Kurdish women and children, have so far been the victims of coldblooded genocide.
Turkish military has stepped up its indiscriminate attacks against Kurdish civilians, carrying out contemptible war crimes. Turkish army is contravening all international conventions, laws and protocols pertaining to the rights of civilians in war, prisoners of war and enemy combatants.
"Decades-old" here refers to the time since 1982 when the current conflict broke out.
I wonder what Turkey will do once they run out of Armenians, Aramaeans and Kurds...