A Leauki's Writings
Published on May 27, 2010 By Leauki In International

U.N. Me takes us on a harrowing and darkly humorous tour of the U.N.'s scandalous disregard for the people and principles it was founded to defend. Along the way we learn:

How a U.N. peacekeeping force stationed in Cote d'Ivoire fired into a crowd of unarmed protesters, injuring and killing dozens, and how the U.N. failed to investigate.

How the largest U.N. humanitarian effort ever conceived, the Oil for Food Program, devolved into one of the biggest scams in the history of the world, and how the U.N. never disciplined or fired the culprits.

How the organization that ought to be leading the international effort to eradicate terrorism cannot, seven years after 9/11, agree on a definition of "terrorism."

How the U.N.'s Human Rights Council prolonged the genocide in Darfur by attempting to discredit the urgent recommendations of its own investigative team.



on May 27, 2010


on May 27, 2010

The idea of the UN is noble.  But the implementation demonstrates the worst traits of man.  Why?  Power.  Otherwise impotent men find themselves on a world stage where their appearance of power is greatly enhanced, and so they do anything to perpetuate that myth.  Anything that threatens that myth, must either be destroyed or marginalized.

Man is not ready or mature enough for the UN, and as such, it is worse than nothing.

on May 27, 2010

The idea of the UN is noble.  But the implementation demonstrates the worst traits of man.  Why?  Power.  Otherwise impotent men find themselves on a world stage where their appearance of power is greatly enhanced, and so they do anything to perpetuate that myth.  Anything that threatens that myth, must either be destroyed or marginalized.

The UN is a play school for the worst dictators and its decisions are based on votes among dictators. Through the UN an elected representative of a country like the US or India is reduced to the same level as whatever thug is running Libya these days.

Furthermore, the United "Nations" do not even acknowledge a responsibility to give _nations_ a forum. Instead the UN are a tool used by states to keep actual nations out of world politics.

The UN do not respect the rights of nations like the Kurds, the Imazighen or Massalith. Instead only recognises as lawful sovereign bodies the states that oppress those nations.

Man is not ready or mature enough for the UN, and as such, it is worse than nothing.

The UN were supposed to be a forum for nations and instead have become a super-government for governments, the worst dictatorship this world has ever seen.

Crimes like genocide are legitimised by "international law" and dictators are protected.

Quite independent of whether world government is a good idea or not, the UN are not it. The UN wasn't supposed to be a government, and does not represent actual "nations".

My ideas of reform of the UN would include replacing states with nations and abolishing all votes.

Nations should have a forum to talk. The UN can be that forum.

We will need this forum to break up the Arab dictatorships and Turkey in order to give freedom to the nations they oppress.

(And by "oppress" I don't mean "feed them while they play with facebook".)