1. How much of the middle east and north-Africa has to be under Arab rule before Arab dictators rule over so much land and over so many peoples that their rule becomes "imperialism" which has to be opposed by "anti-imperialists"?
2. How many people does a dictator have to murder before he becomes a symbol for freedom and opposition to capitalist tyranny?
3. Apart from the "Palestinian cause", has there ever been another cause that was allied with German Nazis, called for the extermination of an entire nation, and attacks schools and kindergardens that was considered "legitimate resistance"?
4. How small would Israel have to be in comparison to the Arab League before it would no longer be considered "imperialist" and how many non-Arab peoples may Arab dictators rule over before liberals criticise them for "occupying other people's land"?
5. How come the world has four billion dollars for supporting Arab terrorists in Gaza but cannot afford decent refugee camps for escaped slaves from Sudan?
6. How did George W. Bush make all the bodies of the millions of victims of the Iraq war disappear when Saddam Hussein needed large mass graves for the bodies of a few hundred thousand dead Shiites?
7. Why does fighting and gasing Kurds constitute "peace" while invading Iraq constitutes "war"?
8. What is the "compromise" that liberals want Israel to support in a conflict with people who demand death for all Jews?
I'd really like to know the answers.
And feel free to ask me similar questions if you find my own opinions as weird as I find those of the "peace activists".