A Leauki's Writings

German. Translation follows below the link:

Obama nach sechs Monaten unbeliebter als Bush

Ein halbes Jahr nach seinem von großen Hoffnungen begleiteten Amtsantritt als US-Präsident wird Barack Obama vom Alltag eingeholt. Eine Mehrheit der Amerikaner empfindet seinen Kurs als falsch. Obamas persönliche Umfragewerte sind sogar schlechter als die von George W. Bush zur gleichen Zeit. Obama bleibt gelassen.



Obama after six months more unpopular than Bush

Half a year after his inauguration as US President accompanied by hope, everyday has caught up with Barrack Obama. A majority of Americans believes his policy is wrong. Obama's personal popularity numbers are even lower than those of George W. Bush at the same time. Obama remains unimpressed.




Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Aug 21, 2009




Nice to meet you.


See what happens when you run into someone who holds a view that is slightly more complex than the average German intellectual's? It's embarrasing, isn't it? I also think you didn't expect that I had actually read Boell's book.


Dude, the whole point of your rhetoric method is to invite flaming, so don't pretend surprise.

on Aug 21, 2009

Dude, the whole point of your rhetoric method is to invite flaming, so don't pretend surprise.

I am not surprised.

But I did fear that your statements about German politics and news papers were designed to convince people who have no convenient way to find out the truth. So I corrected the statements for the sake of our American readers.


2 Pages1 2